Friday, March 11, 2011

The Blog is Over, Long Live the Blog!

The Velasquez Artistry blog is no more- I will keep this page up and the archives available for history's sake. And now to announce a shiny new blog- Brightly Hude News! Yes, all of my updates will be posted there and in the following media outlets:

Brightly Hude Studio Website

Brightly Hude News
Facebook Fan Page
Brightly Hude Yahoo Group

So, check them all out, but especially see the blog, as there is a give-away going on right now! You can also subscribe to that blog, just like you previously could here.

Thanks for being great blog readers. Onwards and upwards!


Saturday, January 1, 2011

New For 2011...

Happy New Year Everyone!

It is with great joy that I announce a new beginning for me, and a new name for my business. I am getting married, and my new name will be Adalee Hude, so therefore, I am pleased to announce that Velasquez Artistry shall henceforth be known as:

I'd say the future is looking bright!

The website is in the process of being updated, and VelasquezArtistry (dot) com will soon link to BrightlyHude (dot) com. New things are in the works, such as a new blog, a new Facebook page, and more. And new sculptures to come too! Thank you all for being such good customers under Velasquez Artistry- I hope to serve you well under the new Brightly Hude title!

-Adalee :)