Thursday, February 7, 2008

My Little Otto

What can I say? I was a child of the 80's.... Sometimes I worry about the random things that pop into my head. I was putting this guy into the kiln for his bisque fire, thinking to myself, 'Oh, such a cute little pony...' Next thing I know, I've got the "My Little Pony" theme song stuck in my head, which quickly changed to "My Little Otto", and that lead to, well... um, this. And as all Little Ponies do, I thought it just fitting that he should have a tail ribbon. A red tail ribbon, of course! Otto's hair is a bit hard and shiny, so instead of the usual comb I recall, he got a little polishing brush to keep him shiny. Or, satiny, rather. I did him in a semi-gloss/matte finish. Suits him well I think. He does need one more trip back into the kiln, as the glaze is a bit too thin in spots (an easy fix, thankfully!). After that, he can become someone else's Little Otto, when I hold an "Otto Lotto"!


Emily said...
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Emily said...

Oh my gosh.. I *love* it!! (From the 'girl' who has no problem selling most of her Breyers, but can NOT get rid of those My Little Ponies!)

mel said...

I love seeing Otto made over as a sweetie pie!