I really hate to keep interrupting my Jitterbug run production, but I've got a few more bills to pay soon (yay for orthotics!), and then yet another claybody idea popped into my brain, so here ya go. He's very close to being done, well- ready to dry & be bisque-fired, anyways. I had forgotten just how big this puppy is at his full size- way bigger than the bone china! He just barely fits in my wee kiln, Petra. These are some in-progress pictures- wish I'd thought to take some when he had but two full legs and only one hoof! It may be hard to tell here, but he's had some extensive work done. And look ma... no base! I'm praying that he fires well, so I can get to painting him. Right now I'm thinking I can see him as a dapple rose gray.... :) Oh- and for those anticipating a Jitterbug, I think I'm still on schedule, so fear not! Here's hoping...!

Is that... Brigand? Oh my. He looks so wonderful like that! I always wanted one, but I have this weird bias against bases, so I never got one. But he looks great! Can't wait to see what you do with coloring.
Yep! That's him. I'm excited with how he's turning out- very different from the original! And you know what? I have a bias against bases now... too troublesome!
Oh I love him! I agree with bases too.. dont are for them either.. cant wait to see him done! ... hmmm.. rose grey would be pretty!
Becky Turner
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