Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Wonderful World of...

Jellibabies in their shiny ceramic coats, remind me of handfuls of colorful candy- the kind that makes your eyes gleam, and your mouth water. Painting these colors is ever so fun- I enjoy pouring through old mini magazines & going through websites for inspiration, always taking into account what has already been done, and what folks tend to like. Today I've completed 30 pieces. 30 so far! Makes me feel like I'm making progress! Batch #6 is about ready to go up for sale today; here in the studio, that means batch #7 is looming in the distance! A herd of little blank canvases, crying for colors. I had a thought today, as I was starting to ponder these colors- why not ask y'all? Is there something you've been waiting for that you haven't seen? Something you want more of? Post a comment in the comment section, and who knows, maybe you will see it in the next batch, or in others! I cannot make any promises, and I can't reserve individual colors for people, but now's the time to cast a vote for your favorite!

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