What did one tomato say to the other who was lagging behind? Ketchup! Yes, yes, a poor joke- I know! But it does well describe my perpetual state this year. Too many projects, too few hours in the day! But little by little, I make my way through them. I'm finally getting around to posting a teaser pic of the chestnut sabino Toot Sweet I'm working on for the next batch of shiny Sweeties. Lots of fiddly work on this gal! I'm not going to estimate anymore, just when she (and her dun sister) will be ready! These mares just seem to take a fair bit longer than my previous offering, Jellibaby (I'm missing having a smaller horse right now, can you tell?). Though there are advantages to having a bigger canvas to work on- things like ticking and scritching come across slightly more believable in a larger scale, and there is a lot more you can do with other details like hooves, muzzles, etc. Still, I think I'd better amend my website to read that there will most likely be 1 ceramic Toot Sweet batch a month, rather than 2; just because of the rate I've been going! But I am hopeful that in the next couple of weeks I will get a little more caught up on everything, and that will make offering new shiny things easier. Please think productive thoughts for me! Thanks!
Oooo, thanks for the sneaky peeky! Are there the two Sweeties in this batch then, or do you have more hidden up your sleeve?? :-)
I think that will probably be all I have time for this month!
Whoa. Gorgeous rump.
Thanks! I don't hear that everyday... ;)
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